The court in Middelburg lifted a guardianship order imposed last year, which placed Laura Dekker under the care of child protection services. 米德尔堡法院提高了去年实施的保护等级,置劳拉德克于儿童保护部门的监护之下。
( Old Testament) a youth who was taken into the court of Nebuchadnezzar and given divine protection when thrown into a den of lions. (《旧约全书》)被带到尼布甲尼撒二世宫廷中当扔进狮子洞穴时被神灵给予保护的青年。
Opinion of the majority of the Federal Supreme Judicial Court was that the judgment of the Florida Supreme Court violated relevant provisions including the equal legal protection in the Constitution. 联邦最高法院多数意见认为,佛罗里达州最高法院的判决存在着违反宪法平等法律保护条款问题。
At times, the court not only hedged on the appropriate degree of scrutiny in middle tier equal protection but has engaged in an analysis markedly similar to rationality review. 有的时候,最高法院会避免对中间审查标准的严格程度作出明确界定,而采用一种类似合理性审查的分析。
Paris court on Monday ruled against stopping the sale of the sculptures, rejecting an appeal filed by the Association for the Protection of Chinese Art in Europe. 周一法国法院驳回了停止拍卖的诉讼请求,中国文化官员要求上诉的主张也遭到拒绝。
As a special administrative court specialized in solving the social security disputes, German social court is an example of meticulous-ness and high specialization of the legal protection, and it meets the realistic requirements of social dispute cases characterized by voluminous, diverse contents and high specialization. 德国社会法院作为专门审理社会保障争议的特殊行政法院,体现了法律保护的缜密性和司法的高度专业性,适应了社会保障争议多,内容纷繁复杂,技术性、专业性强的现实需要。
Under its extensive and mandatory jurisdiction, the European Court of Justice will provide solid judicial protection to ensure the smooth operation of the EMU. 欧洲法院则利用其广泛和强制性的管辖权为欧洲中央银行体系的独立性提供司法保障。
The establishment of a sound and operational flaws criteria, provides a legal guarantee for the court to deal with complex social change and increasingly serious subject of consumer rights protection. 建立一套完善且具可操作性的缺陷判断标准体系,是法院赖以应对纷繁复杂的社会变化以及日益严峻的消费者权利保护课题的重要法律规则保障。
In the judicial practice in China, the court of general liability for fault to a broad understanding of the protection scope, due to the fault to produce all damage, whether natural or interests to protect all trust benefits. 在我国司法实践中,法院普遍对缔约过失责任制度的保护范围作宽泛理解,对于因缔约过失产生的所有损害,无论是固有利益还是信赖利益均予以保护。
Supreme Court constitutional duty is to prevent the majority has the power to take advantage of the favorable location of the plug political change channels, will lose forever a minority faction of the disadvantaged, and to provide effective protection of minorities. 最高法院的宪法职责是防止拥有权力的多数派利用有利位置堵塞政治变革的渠道,将失势的少数派永远地致于不利的处境,以及为少数群体提供有效保护。
Family court of juvenile protection events program ends with the final decision. 在日本,对少年保护事件的程序结束以家庭法院的最终决定作为结束,分为实体性裁判和形式性裁判。
The Court of Justice, as the judicial organ of the Common Market, is the backbone of that legal system and Core of the system of judicial protection. 东南非共同市场法院作为共同市场的司法机关,是共同市场法律体系的骨干,是司法保障体系的核心。
The effective contact of the Patent Court and the patent administration department in the system should be strengthened, timely changes do not meet the spirit of patent law, patent claims and to strengthen the protection of the interests of the public trust for the patent disclosure document. 而在制度方面应当加强专利法院与专利行政部门的有效联系,及时的修改不符合专利法精神的专利权利要求书,借此加强保护社会公众对于专利公开文件的信赖利益。
The right to be heard before the court not only gives the parties the litigation rights but also lessons the judges the trial discretion obligations and the tips obligation, prohibiting the attacks of referees and achieving the body protection of procedures of the parties. 法定听审请求权不仅是当事人享有的复合性诉讼权利,同时也要求法官履行审酌义务和提示义务,禁止突袭性裁判,实现当事人的程序主体地位保障。
Although there are lots of reasons for the witness to avoid attending the court investigation, in my opinion, the absence of the witness protection system is one of the primary reasons. 证人不出庭作证有多方面的原因,但本人认为,没有构建证人保护制度是关键原因。
Mainly through the part of the field survey to understand the Court to lift the dragon and the development of protection measures, the final interpretation of the dragon carrying the development of new exploration Court. 该部分主要是通过实地调查,了解龙灯扛阁的保护情况及发展的措施,最后阐释对龙灯扛阁发展新探。
The Supreme Court makes a series of reasonable restriction and amendment on Miranda rule, at the meanwhile of the protection of the constitutional rights of citizens, which ensures the judicial activities proceed smoothly. 在保障公民宪法性权利的同时,联邦最高法院对米兰达规则进行合理的修正和限制,保证国家的司法活动能够顺利进行。
The witness did not testify in court judicial traditions of both deep-seated factors, and also lack of institutional and China in the witness protection provisions, witnesses can not be effectively protected a great relationship. 证人不出庭作证既有深层次的司法传统因素,同时也与我国在证人保护制度上规定缺失,证人无法得到有效保护有很大关系。
The improvement of the institutional environment include: rationalizing the relationship between the Court of internal administrative functions and judicial functions, protection of judges exercising their judicial power independently according to law, continue to implement the reform of professional judges. 制度环境的完善主要包括:理顺法院内部行政职能与审判职能的关系;保障法官依法独立行使审判权;继续推行法官职业化改革。